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Here's what I think...

My Philosophy

My deepest conviction is in Christ and not becoming a "religious" person. I want to keep the fire I have for Him and believe in him because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to. Too many people get sucked into routine and that is no way to worship God. I go to a small southern baptist church called River Valley and when we worship you can tell that most of the people WANT to be there and that is one of the most encouraging things.
     In life I believe one must have some qualities in order to succeed as a human being. Honor is at the top of the list, followed closely by responsibility, and integrity. Where would we be in a society without Honor, Responsibility and Integrity? Well, we will find out soon enough if things don't change. Where did all the values go? I can tell you in a nutshell- Parenting. Most Kids are no longer being taught these important characteristics and it is definately going to take its toll on our country.
     Speaking of country, I am not going to get on my soap box and start policitcal debates with anyone because I value having my own opinion and I don't believe in Fighting Politics. I do urge everyone able to vote to do so though!

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The abandonment of America's children

Posted: June 25, 2004   © 2004

People often ask me if, after 29 years of broadcasting I am ever surprised by anything I hear. Sadly, the answer is no … and yes. No, I am no longer surprised at the insensitivity, cruelty, selfishness, cowardice, moral vacuousness or bad judgment that people exhibit. What does surprise me, however, is how common and everyday it is all becoming, and how there is little awareness by folks that their behaviors are wrong, bad, immoral or outrageous, and that there is little outrage or negative judgment from family, friends and society in general. This is not a good development.

One of the most horrible examples of this degeneration of American culture came across my fax machine in the middle of one of my daily radio broadcasts.

"Family sues day care after son suffers burns" read the headline in The Arizona Republic, Friday, May 21, 2004. The story is gruesome. The parents filed a lawsuit against an expensive, elite day-care company after their almost 1-year-old son suffered severe burns last June when he was left alone outside on a dark, playground surface.

Evidently, this baby was left outside for about five minutes before a day-care worker remembered he was outside. According to the complaint, this little boy's hands and knees were so severely burned that the skin was dripping off.

The little boy has recovered … from his burns. Do you want to know where he is today? In another day-care. Can you believe this? Honestly, I can't believe any human parent would do anything other than cling tightly to their child after a horrible incident like this. I can't believe any human parent could stand their child being in the care of anyone but themselves after this magnitude of a wake-up call.

After my on-air rant-and-rave about the parents' behavior, I received many responses. Here are just two typical letters:

"I just heard your report on the child at the day-care center that had his knees and hands burned due to the carelessness of the day-care workers who left him out on the hot asphalt. To me, the fault lies ultimately with the parents of this child for putting him into a situation like this in the first place. Placing him in day care in the first place is a KNOWING and WILLING act to put that child in the hands of people who do not have the VESTED INTEREST in the child's safety, growth and health.

"When it all comes down to it, the most important part of it all is that my daughter is learning that family is more important than career or income. I am sure that when she grows up she will carry the FAMILY VALUES we are instilling in her when she has children of her own." (Jared Mark, Omaha, Neb.)

The next is from Sarah, who is an infant caregiver in an Orange County, Calif., day-care center:

"Every day I get out of bed half dreading the day and half craving it. Dreading it because of the so-called 'liberal-minded' parents who say they are doing the best thing 'socially' for their children by placing them in institutionalized care at the tender age of 6 weeks through 5 years. I'm tired of being reminded by my superiors that we are on a 'team' with these parents, merely 'assisting' them in the growth and development of their children. I feel that I am raising their children for and instead of them. I spend more time with their children than they do!

"I crave going to work because I love those babies. I love taking care of them. I love being the loving positive influence in their young worlds. But it crushes me to know that they aren't getting what they truly need – their mothers. I want the best for them, and there is nothing better than a mommy."

For me, it is one of the unfathomable and great horrors that so many women think that:

  1. They are being good mommies when they are not even with their children 10 hours a day;

  2. Hired help is an adequate replacement for a loving mother's arms, voice, love, time;

  3. It is more important that the children meet the parent's needs for a cheerleader ("Mom, I'm proud of your work!") than have their own needs met for attention, affection, approval, nurturance, discipline, moral training, bonding from a mommy;

  4. Their guilt for not attending to their own children is something to be overcome and not a message of wrong-doing suggesting a change in lifestyle;

  5. "Power" and "things" are of greater merit than mother, wife, housekeeper.

Current Events

Marriage: One Man, One Woman
by: Bob Knight, et al.

Marriage is of such importance that it is uniquely protected in the law and culture. It predates the law and the Constitution, and is an anthropological and sociological reality, not primarily a legal one. No civilization can survive without it, and those societies that allowed it to become irrelevant have faded into history.

The Meaning of Marriage

Marriage is the union of the two sexes, not just the union of two people. It is the union of two families, and the foundation for establishing kinship patterns and family names, passing on property and providing the optimal environment for raising children.

The term "marriage" refers specifically to the joining of two people of the opposite sex. When that is lost, "marriage" becomes meaningless. You can no more leave an entire sex out of marriage and call it "marriage" than you can leave chocolate out of a "chocolate brownie" recipe. It becomes something else.

Giving non-marital relationships the same status as marriage does not expand the definition of marriage; it destroys it. For example, if you declare that, because it has similar properties, wine should be labeled identically to grape juice, you have destroyed the definitions of both "wine" and "grape juice." The consumer would not know what he is getting.

Marriage, the Natural Family, and the Best Interests of Children

Marriage is the union of the only type of couple capable of natural reproduction of the human race--a man and a woman. Children need both mothers and fathers, and marriage is society's way of obtaining them.

But even childless marriages are a social anchor for children, who observe adults as role models. Besides, childless couples can be "surprised" by an unexpected pregnancy, and they can adopt, giving a child a mother-and-father-based family. Single parents can eventually marry. And marriage is a stabilizing force for all. Even when a couple is past the age of reproduction, the marital commitment may keep an older man from fathering a child with a younger woman outside wedlock.

Children learn crucial things about family life by observing our crucial relationships up close: interactions between men and women; husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, and parents to children of the same and opposite sexes.

Human experience and a vast body of social science research show that married men and women, and children who live with their married mother and father, are happier, healthier, and more prosperous than people in other types of households.

It is wrong to create fatherless or motherless families by design. The drive for homosexual "marriage" leads to destruction of the gold standard for custody and adoption. The question should be: "What is in the best interests of the child?" The answer is: "Place children, whenever possible, in a married, mom-and-dad household." As homosexual relationships gain status, marriage loses its place as the preferential adoption family option. This effort is being driven by the desires of adults, not the needs of children.

Society grants benefits to marriage because marriage has benefits for society. The benefits of marriage to adults and children flow not from government recognition alone, but from the inherent complementarity of the sexes and the power of lifelong commitment. The first of these values is rejected outright by same-sex couples, and the second is far less common among them.

Defining Marriage is not "Discrimination"

Marriage laws are not discriminatory. Marriage is open to all adults, subject to age and blood relation limitations. As with any acquired status, the applicant must meet minimal requirements, which in terms of marriage, means finding an opposite-sex spouse. Same-sex partners do not qualify. To put it another way, clerks will not issue dog licenses to cats, and it is not out of "bigotry" toward cats.

Comparing current laws limiting marriage to a man and a woman with the laws in some states that once limited inter-racial marriage is irrelevant and misleading. The very soul of marriage - the joining of the two sexes--was never at issue when the Supreme Court struck down laws against inter-racial marriage.

Requiring citizens to sanction or subsidize homosexual relationships violates the freedom of conscience of millions of Christians, Jews, Muslims and other people who believe marriage is the union of the two sexes. Civil marriage is a public act. Homosexuals are free to have a "union" ceremony with each other privately, but they are not free to demand that such a relationship be solemnized and subsidized under the law.

Homosexual activists say they need legal status so they can visit their partners in hospitals, etc. But hospitals leave visitation up to the patient except in very rare instances. This "issue" is a smokescreen to cover the fact that, using legal instruments such as power of attorney, drafting a will, etc., homosexuals can share property, designate heirs, dictate hospital visitors and give authority for medical decisions. What they should not obtain is identical recognition and support for a relationship that is not equally essential to society's survival.

The Will of the People--or the Judges?

The American people do not "think marriages between homosexual men or homosexual women should be recognized as legal under the law." A Harris/CNN/Time poll asking that exact question in July 2003 found that 60% of Americans oppose "homosexual marriage," while only 33% support it. In June 2003, a Canadian court granted marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Ontario and the U. S. Supreme Court declared homosexual sodomy a constitutional right. Yet in the wake of this judicial activism, even support for counterfeit forms of marriage such as "civil unions" actually fell precipitously.

The Legal and Social Fallout

If same-sex relationships acquire marital-type status in the law, several things will occur:

  • Businesses that decline to recognize non-marital relationships will increasingly be punished through loss of contracts and even legal action. This is already occurring in San Francisco and in Canada.

  • Other groups, such as bisexuals and polygamists, will demand the right to redefine marriage to suit their own proclivities. Once the standard of one-man, one-woman marriage is broken, there is no logical stopping point.

  • As society rewards homosexual behavior, more young people will be encouraged to experiment and more will be discouraged from overcoming homosexual desires.

  • Popular understanding of what marriage is and what it requires will undergo change. Homosexual relationships, which usually lack both permanence and fidelity, are unlikely to change to fit the traditional model of lifelong, faithful marriage. Instead, society's expectations of marriage will change in response to the homosexual model, thus leading to a further weakening of the institution of marriage. Some homosexual activists have acknowledged that they intend to use marriage mainly as a way to radically shift society's entire conception of sexual morality. See appendix.


"Marriage" for same-sex couples (or the counterfeit equivalent under pseudonyms such as "civil unions" or "domestic partnerships") is being promoted as an extension of tolerance, equality, and civil rights. But they are really wedges designed to overturn traditional sexual morality and to win official affirmation, celebration, subsidization and solemnization of behavior that is harmful to the people who engage in it and to society, and that is still viewed as morally wrong by a majority of the American public.

For the well-being of children and of society, we must not allow the creation of government-imposed counterfeit "marriage" by any name. Marriage is civilization's primary institution, and we tamper with it at our own peril.

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Isaiah 40:8 "The grass withers and the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever."

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail."